Go is community. Regular meetups for playing and socializing form the heart of this community.

Players of all levels are welcome at our meetups. This also (or even especially) applies to complete beginners. We like to explain the basics and are happy to get new people interested in the game.
Nevertheless, even strong players can have serious matches here.

You can even come along if you don't want to play. Sometimes you just want to watch, have a nice chat and be in good company :)


Student Go evening

In addition to other, individually organized activities, we meet once a week for the regular student Go evening.

The current date is Thursdays 17:30 - 20:30 in the Gremienraum (room 008) of the  Lernzentrum am Fasanenschlösschen.
A KIT card is required to open the door. If you don't have one, you can also knock and we will open the door.


Baden Go Association

We are in close contact with Badischer Go-Verein e.V., which supports us and provides the game material for all events.

In addition to Go evenings in Karlsruhe, Mannheim and Heidelberg, the Baden Go Association also regularly organizes tournaments.

Many AkaGo members can usually be found at the events in Karlsruhe.


Other meetups

Irregular events are announced here on the homepage and on our Discord server.